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Stories of Hope

"Schools and the university have reopened. Many people are already going back to work. It has been an amazing season for farmers, fishers, nature lovers, blueberry and strawberry growers, bear and deer in the woods, whales in the sea, sun and stars in the sky.... hope and wish we go back to a NEW (ab)normal, being more conscious of our carbon footprints, racism, inequities... May a wiser phase of our connected lives begin,” says Anuj Jain, an ardent nature lover, who runs "Facilitators for Social Change," an Antigonish-based startup that designs projects for social change at systems level and facilitates partnerships among multi-stakeholders.

Anuj is working with other stakeholders in Antigonish on creating a system-wide shift through home energy retrofitting reducing our carbon footprint, supporting the local economy by creating jobs, and reducing home energy bills.

Post-Covid, Anuj says a big challenge is going to be the effort to create an economy that is inclusive, sustainable, nonviolent to earth and environment, and that creates well-being for all. The way forward is not to leave anyone behind and strengthen local economy practices.

Anuj, who is also one of the directors on the board of Antigonish Community Transit Society, says the goal of ACTS is to provide a green, sustainable, and community-based transit model that is efficient, reliable, and safe for all residents and visitors in Antigonish town and county. 

Speaking to "Stories of Hope," Anuj said there is a lot going around in the town, and he highlighted the need to bridge the gap between the town and the University. The students can surely benefit a lot, he said.

Giving the example of ACTS, Anuj said the bus trips are very cost-effective, and they are readily available for students to use rather than waiting for a taxi. ACTS has implemented protocols and procedures to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in the buses and protect everyone’s health and safety.

Anuj said there is a very active and vibrant civil society in Antigonish, who plan lot of activities all the year around. Students can benefit a lot, and they are always welcome to join these events. For example, the Antigonish Town and County Library hosts regular book reading session, writing and crafts workshops. Another group, Cultural Connections, was formed four years ago from a desire to provide a meeting place for various cultures represented in the Antigonish community. Some events had to be slowed down because of the pandemic, but things are slowly starting to open, with all the protocols.

There is also a very well-developed service-learning program. Many students join it as part of their curriculum, but there is much more work that can be done in the area with the Antigonish community.

These community connections can help build some great relationships, said Anuj. Antigonish is an amazing community to live and learn from, he said.

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller

Stories of Hope