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What are the difficult concepts, the prickly topics, and the exciting ideas that are on the minds of students at StFX? 

What kinds of discussions must we have, at X and in our society, to create positive social change, to take decisive action on pressing problems like the climate emergency, or to improve life for under-represented or disadvantaged groups? 

What kinds of innovative, bold, and courageous ideas are StFX students cooking up through their research, activism, and their social interactions on campus? 

CollaborationThe Xaverian Thought Leaders Videocast is designed to answer these questions. Released monthly, each episode features a team of student guests hosts who put together an engaging, lively hour of programming that contains features ranging from debates, discussions, and interviews to performances and calls to action. The videocast invites inspirational topics and stories, daring commentary, pathbreaking ideas, uncomfortable but necessary discussions, and energizing debates.  

Change and transformative leadership begin with bold, audacious, and intrepid ideas. Share your ideas and find out what others are thinking.  

Pitch us an idea for an episode topic. Let us know what kind of idea or topic you’d like to discuss, whom you’d like to bring in to participate in the episode, and tell us a bit about why and how the topic you have in mind matters. We will in turn provide you with all the tech and support necessary to produce, record, and host the videocast.  

If you have an idea for an episode, email us at

The Xaverian Leaders Videocast is a way to platform StFX students. It gives you an opportunity to share your ideas, raise important discussions, and publicize ideas and initiatives that we all should know about. 

So, tune in to listen to what StFX students have to say, encounter  

XLMN Videocast

Best Decisions


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